if the creek don't rise saying

He was a politician and Indian agent. Whatscatawampus? Your email address will not be published. But did he really say the words quoted or was a phrase morphed to include him as the author? It is 1970, and we follow the story of a young Appalachian girl, Sadie Blue age 17, pregnant and newly married to an evil young man who is abusive. The saying has been attributed to Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Jackson among others, on the usual principle that attaching a famous name to a story validates it. For instance, I might promise to show up for Christmas at Grandmas if the good Lords willing and the creek dont rise. A true Southern tradition. (LogOut/ "Like all great southern writers, Leah Weiss's magic turns the local into the universal." Wiley Cash, New York Times bestselling author, on All The Little Hopes. When you've met the girl of your dreams, chances are she is "pretty as a peach." Theres probably a connection between eternal damnation and tarnation. Step into the Deep South and experience the lives and hardships, hopes and dreams, of folk who have nothing except gritand sometimes loveas their currency. The Creek so-called civil war of 1812 involving the Red Stick faction, and their combat North and South, appears to have been an impetus for that forts creation. This means that if everything continues to plan, things will be okay. is a common way to use this next Southern cussemism. It traces to the 1700s and is based on darnation, the mild form of damnation. Turn around, and please dont drive through it. When the U.S. demanded that the murderers be handed over for punishment, the Creek executed them themselves (for the Ohio murders, not for the River Raisin battle and aftermath). I've been in a slump of just ok books and was craving one that was special. We are an American people, born under the flag of independence and if the Lord is willing and the creeks dont rise, the American people who made this country will come pretty near controlling it. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. And really, wouldn't we all druther have our druthers? The English language is forever changing. Although he admits when the rain starts to fall, it makes him a little nervous. [3] The capitalization of the word Creek supposedly referred to the Creek Indian tribe rather than a body of water.[4][5]. No matter where you go in Kentucky, the people often have some colorful expressions. 1851. And yes, I have heard the music of this culture and watched the dancing. No, we don't mean you need to go fix your hair. Johnny Cash had a hit with the song If The Good Lords Willing, and Hank Williams Jr. titled his song If the Good Lords Willin (And The Creeks Dont Rise).. If the Creek Don't Rise. Yelling out this humorous backronym for sh*tmight just tame the anger a bit. Did you know the saying God willing and the Creek dont rise was in reference to the Creek Indians and not a body of water? Its not a recent change. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. A: "Do you reckon we'll have enough from this harvest to make ends meet?" As they returned home, some of them also killed some settlers in the Ohio valley. So, if during the time of Benjamin Hawkins life, the Creek Indians were experiencing the longest period of peace, why would he fear that they would rise. I was just hoping for something more concrete about the real origin. Firsts, Mines, Asks. False folk etymology. If the creek rises, travel will be impossible and Ill never get to Grannys. It presumably evokes occasional and unpredictably extreme rainfall in Appalachia, that has historically isolated one rural neighborhood or another temporarily inaccessible on several or many occasions. Historically, Southerners in the Appalachian mountains pronounced eternal as tarnal. That pronunciation suggests a clever word-smoosh between tarnal and damnation, so the savvy Appalachians could euphemistically express their anger without wasting an extra breath. Unarguable Southern criticism. And, good Lord willing and the creek don't rise, come March of next year, I'll be 225 years old. If you've read the book summary, you already know Sadie Blue lives with a devil of a man, but she's not the only one who has lived with a wife beater of a husband. It was a big old chunk of a book, so only a couple of the kids including myself read it. If you just heard your mama come home and you haven't finished your chores, she will definitely be "madder than a wet hen." What's The Difference Between Y'all And Ya'll? "Lord willing and the creek don't rise" is a sort of backwoods phrase that has the same meaning, but is more folksy and less devoted. This one may be self-explanatory, but we can imagine it originating back in the days of stagecoaches, when horse-and-buggy pairs filled the streets. Somehow, the word went full circle and is now considered a distinctly Southern invention. But, in the South, if your boss says that dog wont hunt in a meeting, it probably means your suggestion or idea needs improvement. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Oh, if the good Lord's willing and the creek don't rise. Ireckon is the way many Southerners get to surmising about something or other. Funny Phrases ben stanczyk 10/25/01 !, Reckon has ancestry tracing all the way back to the 1000s (and maybe older still), and originally means to count, calculate.. Curiously, this word might have roots in offbeat British humor from the 1840s. Used in a sentence - If the creek don't rise and God's willing, you should be able to see this video. Nor is grammar an argument in favor the the subject being plural. If you think you can't, you won't be able to accomplish something, but if you think you can, you'll succeed. Unlike the United States Postal Service, whose motto proclaims "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night" will keep them from their routes, sometimes a Southern visit is thwarted by a rising creek or other unexpected bump in the road. [1][2], Classic versions of its use tend to be along the lines of "The good Lord willing, and the creek doesn't rise"i.e. Thats exactly who I was hoping would reply to my question. Someone once said that when you visit the South, you need a translator. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. All rights reserved. Well, I found it. Georgia-born blogger Jennifer Collins says she always rolled her eyes when her mom said this to her. Youre still going to the grocery store. If someone tells you that you've got gumption, you should thank them, and then walk a little taller, because you've received a lovely Southern compliment. Just wait till you see what Granny Gladys does..with a bit of help from Mother Nature..hehehe. Maybe not all dogs were made for hunting some prefer the warmth of a fireplace and the comfort of your lap. The saying "God willing and the Creek don't rise." Came from those traveling west in the OLD DAYS. Back when I was in the fourth grade we had an English teacher who dumped a box of books out one day and told us to read them and do book reports. You gonna let him break your spirit, too? Over yonder toward the water tower. Southerners adopted this phrase wholeheartedly from its early usages in 1700s England and Scotland (where it meant "common sense"). There is a lot of controversy about this fairly common folk saying. You gonna do nothing?". The dialect is obscure and living conditions primitive with a feel more like the 1870's than the 1970's..so backward..so uncivilized..the men so brutal and lawless, and for Sadie Blue, life seems grave. Wheres my blasted phone?. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. the creek don't rise " is an American slang expression implying strong intentions subject to complete frustration by uncommon but not unforeseeable events. In his reply, he was said to have written, God willing and the Creek dont rise. Historians and etymologists may cringe, but the modern usage of Lord willin and the creek (or crick) dont rise is about the stream, not the Creek tribe. In alternating first person narratives from a cast of characters that will be hard to forget, Leah Weiss took me to the mountain community called Baines Creek in the Appalachian Mountains in NC. Page created 25 Feb. 2012, Problems viewing this page? And, when the doins been done, the feller done did it. This one originates from the 19th century, when Carter Products marketed "Little Liver Pills" across the country. Because this is a progressive verb (youll make progress with it for sure), remember You were fixin to patch the hole in the wall. Never say you fixed to do it! It turns out that the phrase was written by Benjamin Hawkins in the late 18th century. "Creek" originated as a reference to creeks flooding and preventing travel, but is sometimes re-interpreted as a reference to the Creek tribe. Lyndon Johnsons wife Lady Bird was fond of the phrase, and she wasnt one to cast aspersions on native Americans. It is a breathtaking and gritty portrayal of hillbilly life from the year 1970 which is set in the Appalachian Mountains. This was a Traveling Sister Read with Brenda, Sarah, Jennifer and Porshajo. This is a high compliment in the South, since Southern states are known for their peaches. What Do Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, And Lent Mean? God willing and the creek don't rise If all goes as it should; if everything goes well. Charles Wilson said the flood waters are something he has to live with to enjoy residing on the river. New words appear; old ones fall out of use or alter their meanings. Maya Rodale is a best-selling romance author. The New Madrid earthquake (reputedly the largest in recorded history in North America) created the division between traditionalist Creek (Red Sticks) and those more willing to seek accommodation with the majority of the tribe. Because that is supposedly how the original author first wrote it. Who better to write about the risks of the Creek rising in revolt? Two years after the signing of the treaty, Benjamin Hawkins died at the site known as Old Agency. I'm fixin' to tell you that this phrase is as Southern as sweet tea. Wow! This Southern saying, God Willing and the Creek Don't Rise. "We plan to be there," we might say, and then add on a quick, "Lord willing and the creek don't rise." It's another way of saying, "I am dead serious about keeping my word on this, short of a hurricane or earthquake." In other words, I'm doggedly committed to this unless the devil stops me. It seems this saying is a favorite expression of country singers. From another source Some historians attribute Benjamin Hawkins as having been the first person to ever say these words and he did so in a letter to the President of the United States. Cows aren't known for their speed, and they are usually out and about, wandering until feeding time. The researchers went on to cite two different publications in the 1800s in which the authors did not capitalize the word creek, leading one to believe they did not mean the people proper. Theres two or three creeks, he said. Well, that might just push you over the edge, and as you lean back youre bound to say, Im as full as a tick. Itd be plumb crazy not to express yourself (and your full belly) with this fun, old Southern idiom. Select your currency from the list and click Donate. She's not looking for sweets; she wants a hug and a kiss. If you use this phrase, you could be declaring any number of things: surprise, dissent, happiness. It may take the form of real or mock dialect, in variations like " Lor' willin' an' th' crick don' rise.". However, this is clearly one of those evolving language cases. Phrase [ edit] Lord willing and the creek don't rise ( idiomatic, US, informal) Barring unforeseen circumstances. I ate that up with a spoon and did my best to read them all. Every researcher who has investigated the expression has dismissed an Indian connection as untrue. Another publication, Proceedings of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Jurisdiction, Volumes 88-89, coins the phrase: if the Lord is willing and the creek dont fire, we will so do. While this phrase may sound made up, it's simply our multisyllabic manner of saying something is askew. Any of you word experts have solid information? And Lord have mercy, wait till you meet Birdie with her gamy birds-nest hairdo and top notch fine feathered companion Samuel.and all his buddies. Depending on where you are, youre likely to hear words combined together (gonna for going to) and different vowel sounds than youre used to, including mah for my and git for get.Git has been in use since the 16th century all over the country, but is particularly common in the South, where it appears in everything from classic literature (The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, To Kill a Mockingbird) to personal correspondence (I want you to write me as soon as you git this letter, from a letter dating back to the Civil War). Every researcher who has investigated the expression has dismissed an Indian connection as untrue. Siever, known as Nolichucky Jack to his friends, was as brutal to the Cherokee and Creek as they were to him, but Siever knew to frame his attacks as responses to incursion or wrongs. This string of double negatives is actually meant as encouragement! There's two or three creeks," he said. I will continue to look for references to this phrase origin and would welcome discussion to prove (one way or the other) what the original author intended to mean. To cover your bases you might say, "I'll see you then if the creek don't rise." While there, we happened upon a museum dedicated to the Underground Railroad. If the Creek Don't Rise by Leah Weiss (Author), Tom Stechschulte (Narrator), Kate Forbes (Narrator). I agree that the Indian origin sounds unlikely. The "creek don't rise" phrase is now sometimes credited to this time of unrest and displacement. Someone kicked in with we say cricks. IF THE CREEK DON'T RISE is character driven and one fine gritty and entertaining debut with one fine satisfying ending! Kicked in the gut and sucker punched with one of the best books I have ever read. I see some folks walk easy and carry peace on their shoulders, but I been chained to a iron life." Leah Weiss, If the Creek Don't Rise 3 likes Like Is this derivation correct? When I was growing up, this was something we said all of the time. Share. Its worth looking into because of the way in which it has been elaborated in the version you quote. However, with the west in flames, both whites and Indians began organizing fighters. Farmers know that if you do something 'til the cows come home, it's going to take all day. At the same time there is some evidence that the creation of Fort Deposit (Fort Deposite) in Georgia was a cause of concern in that munitions and arms were stockpiled. There, we listened to amazing stories told by Dr. John Mattox. Anytime it rains as hard as it did last night, it always brings back fears of having to face something like we did in 1984, he said. 'Cause everything's fine, God, I wish it were . Over yonder down the road. It's raining cats and dogs. By extension, maybe the Southern US expression was the way for an affronted or shocked listener to say none of that crazy untoward talk or behavior shall have power over me.. Devil's beating his wife (when it would be sunny and raining). It's a more conditional statement of intent than come hell or high water. Its worth looking into because of the way in which it has been elaborated in the version you quote.. Mentioning Benjamin Hawkins is a masterstroke, since he was the General Superintendent for Indian Affairs between 1796 and 1818 and was principal Indian agent to the Creek nation; he became so close to its people that he learned their language, was adopted by them and married a Creek woman. Her grandmother Gladys tells us of her awful past ridden with the drunkenness and senseless abuse. Origin debaters point to Col. Benjamin Hawkins of North Carolina, a Continental Congress senator. In other words, Ill make it to Grandmas if the indians dont go on the warpath. If God Is Willing and Da Creek Don't Rise, If the Good Lord's Willing and the Creek Don't Rise, Good Lord's Willin and The Creek Don't Rise, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_creek_don%27t_rise&oldid=1136534691, This page was last edited on 30 January 2023, at 20:39. [2] In the Reed song and Cash cover the verses vary the rhyme, so the opening line commences: If the good Lord's willing and the creek stays down I'll be in your arms time the moon come around. It is a paraphrase of a popular biblical saying from James 4:15, and while there are scores of citations to the phrase in the sense of the waters rising, in the US and Europe, there is not one shred of evidence of a reference to the Creek nation. Weiss has a unique voice. What is the origin of the phrase the good Lord willing and the creek dont rise? (LogOut/ The expression "the creek don't rise" is an American slang expression implying strong intentions subject to complete frustration by uncommon but not unforeseeable events. (LogOut/ The first big battles in the Creek War were, indeed, attacks on white settlements, but it was not a matter of an uprising that threatened settlers, rather it was an outbreak of war between two armed groups in which whites and Indians sought each other out. All of my life there have been local mountain sayings that I've heard and of course repeated, complete with a North Carolina southern drawl as literal fact. I was reading a post on one of the West Virginia pages that I follow in which a person referenced God willing and the creeks dont rise. in reference to rain and floods. Translated, this means: "We'll be there unless something out of our control stops us." Here are a couple of examples of this claim. Cant never could is a reminder that if you dont even try, you wont ever accomplish your goal. Positive thinking, Southern style. This United Statesrelated article is a stub. Im told it was a sign-off tag line of the 1930s US radio broadcaster Bradley Kincaid. Be it Gods will, or, we go to war, my plans will go according to one of those two choices. Take a look at some of our favorite Southern sayings that we just couldn't live without. After eating a big, delicious Southern dinner Granny just made, you have to finish up with a slice of sweet potato pie, right? Donate via PayPal. I grew up with that saying and Ive said it more times than I can count. Get help and learn more about the design. Which means if nothing crazy happens or anything out my control such as a natural disaster. It's almost always accompanied by a good-natured, perhaps slightly exasperated, shake of the head. What better way to sweeten the sour than with a classic Southern libation? To understand Hawkins, I read a little further into his history. (the good) Lord willing and the creek don't rise rural If all goes as it should; if everything goes well. If the Creek Dont Rise by Leah Weiss is a 2017 Sourcebooks Landmark publication. In response to a request that he return to Washington D.C., he wrote, "God willing and the Creek don't rise." Many thanks to NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Landmark for the ARC in return for an unbiased review. Is It Called Presidents Day Or Washingtons Birthday? As was the case with Dr Mattox, the remark is routinely attributed to first being said by Benjamin Hawkins. I was going to ask him why, but I had to shoot him. "Well I s'wanee" evokes the Southern Suwannee River. It took a further decade for it to become popular as a supposedly hayseed utterance, sometimes as and the crick dont rise to reflect a regional form. The Lafayette gazette (Louisiana), 3 Nov. 1894. If so, you know that being madder than a wet hen is very mad indeed. A strikingly sincere portrait of a town and its buried secrets from an outstanding new voice in southern fiction. HARDY, Ark. I will be at church on Sunday. This phrase can be intensified by the addition of the word "way," as in "way over yonder.". I always took it as a reference to the level of water in a creek. A multipurpose Southernism. Older than Methuselah. That argues for a more mundane origin: the old-time difficulties of travelling on dirt roads that forded rivers and streams; a sudden storm could cause water levels to rise without warning and render the route impassable. Synonyms [ edit] (barring unforeseen circumstances): God willing, Lord willing Translations [ edit] show phrase References [ edit] If you've ever been caught in a summer storm, you know that you can feel, smell, and see a storm blowin' up across the wide Southern skies. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. A: "Do you reckon we'll have enough from this harvest to make ends meet?" B: "God willing and the creek don't rise." At the time Hawkins was Congressman, he joined other well known Southeastern American leaders in negotiating a major treaty with the Creek and Cherokee at the South Carolina city of Hopewell. She's seventeen, pregnant and two weeks into her marriage to Roy Tupkin, after enduring brutal beatings, Sadie knows she has made a mistake. Throughout the years, through these floods, weve had several roads that have washed completely out, so you just dont know whats down there.. If The Creek Don't Rise. and the word HOPE. the creek don't rise. Take a look here Michael: http://www.genealogynation.com/creek/. If you find only minnows, though, they look even smaller compared to the heavy catch you hoped for. "All get out" finds its way into Southern phrases constantly, and it intensifies any statement. Well, whether its Creek or creek, it would still have much of the same effectyou wont be going where you thought you would or could.

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if the creek don't rise saying