kate marshall life is strange

It's a combination of factors, depending on what you say when shes up there and things you did for her before. Ela tem duas irms mais novas, uma delas se chama Lynn Marsh e tem 10 anos. ), You can find a bottle of wine in her room, hidden behind the drawer, despite the fact she told Max that she doesn't drink. Suas atividades extracurriculares incluem o programa Refeies em Rodas e um diversificado grupo de estudos religiosos.[1]. H uma foto das trs garotas juntas no quarto da Kate. Kate will later be deeply thankful, as evident from her messages, although it does not have any effect on the rest of the episode, as Max later travels back in time again. There is no doubt that Nathan drugged Kate and kidnapped her to Jefferson subject it to a sick photo essay, however this psychopath has the ritual of murdering his victims after taking the photos of them. Na Festa Fim do Mundo do Clube Vortex, Victoria dedica sua vitria na Competio Heris do Cotidiano a Kate. I do this: Things will get better, I'm here for you, You were drugged, Be strong, Your sisters/Your Dad. 1,031 ratings201 reviews. She and Max even talk about having a tea-shop tour of Portland. She also informed him about her suspicions regarding a possible mobbing, though this warning was evidently ignored.[5]. You only get that for a previous failure. After class, Max Caulfield investigates the paper thrown at Kate and spies the message, "Dear Kate, we loved your porn video . It makes her more beautiful than the beeatches here like Victoria who think beauty is just your face and outfit. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Max encounters Kate Marsh in the bathroom brushing her teeth, and depending on Max's choice with David and Kate's argument, she will either scold Max for not helping, or thank her for getting between them. Max's journal page for Kate will change in Episode 3, depending on whether Max manages to save her life or not. Max pode discordar, banindo garotos da viagem delas, ou questionar o motivo da presena de Warren. This is evident from the Mozart poster in her room in Episode 2. Sneaking out to meet Chloe, Max meets a remorseful Dana, and finds out that Victoria and Taylor are still very wrecked after Kate's suicide attempt. A tempestade chegaria a partir deste horrio, e Kate e sua famlia j teriam provavelmente ido embora da cidade. Provided that Kate survives the events of Episode Two, Max and Chloe will visit her in the hospital before going to the Prescott Dormitory to look for Nathan. Both are most likely references to, The combination of Kate's middle and last name may be a reference to the character Beverly Marsh in Stephen King's. Defender a Kate do David, encoraj-la em sua deciso inicial de denunciar o ocorrido para a polcia e atender a ligao dela mais cedo contribuem para que ela acredite nas suas intenes, mas ela ainda pode ser salva sem estas decises tomadas se voc fizer as escolhas certas no dilogo. Apesar de serem imaturos, todos na Blacwkell so graduados, e no apenas calouros Ela passa por muita coisa. Zachary Riggins ir interromper a aula de Jefferson, dizendo que algo est acontecendo nos dormitrios. Once on the roof, however, Max is unable to use her powers due to the pain they are causing her. At the time that Max told her about Nathan, Jefferson was determined to kill Kate to silence her as Victoria and almost done with Max. provvel que o esprito animal da Kate seja o coelho, que o animal mais conectado a ela, j que ela possui um coelho de estimao. Dayeanne Hutton (Ingls) Hana Takeda (Japons), 11 de outubro de 2013(presumido, determinante), Morta pela tempestade (presumido, determinante), Sra. The girls talk for a moment before Max goes to have her shower. This is because she's not on good terms with her mother, and she doesn't have any brothers. As an official update by Square Enix, players can actually. Porm, foi confirmado pelos desenvolvedores que a Katie na lista de Frank no a Kate Marsh. Talking to her, you can encourage her not to share the video any more.In the bathroom, Kate asks Max for her copy of \"The October Country \" back. According to her file, Kate has a GPA of 3.9, and is one of the people who "represent" Blackwell Academy. Ao devolver o livro de Kate, Max pode explorar o quarto dela. Max Caulfieldis seemingly good friends with Kate and watches out for her during this rough time. Why would he leave a potential person out there that could reveal him? A nurse provided Kate with pencils and paper, and Kate started drawing children's illustrations again; planning on creating a new book about bullying. Adesivo que aparece por engano na pgina sobre a Kate se ela sobreviver, devido a uma troca de nomes nos arquivos do jogo (Kate_scrapbook_alive). Drawings of nooses and the word "waste" adorn the page. I didn't get the bible quote dialogue but I do think mentioning her sisters near the end of the conversation helps she is close to them and the conversation following it shows she does care about them so I think that is the best answer there plus the photo of her happy with her sisters points to this. Kate then runs out crying saying that Victoria will be sorry one day. Isso evidente pelo poster de Mozart que h em seu quarto no Episdio 2. Additionally, their whiteboards were rewritten with "Rest in Peace" messages of condolences for Kate, and the Blackwell students left remorseful messages on her whiteboard and social media page. Kate nasceu em uma famlia crist extremamente conservadora, e muito devota sua religio. Depends, everytime you do something against her (Don't step in, telling Kate to wait for more proof and not answering her call) it adds another statement you have to "correctly" respond to. Further down the hall, Juliet Watson is watching Kate's video on her phone beside Brooke Scott. If Max fails to convey the right message, Kate will jump and she dies as Max looks in horror, there is a memorial for her outside the girls' dorm. Ela comenta que deu a maioria das flores para outros pacientes, acreditando que eles precisavam mais do que ela. This . Also, she had posters about advising on abstinence. On the grounds of the Prescott Dormitory, Kate sits looking off into the distance alone on a bench. Voc pode encontrar uma garrafa de vinho no quarto dela, escondida atrs da cmoda, apesar de ela ter falado para Max que no bebe lcool. Se Max escolher falar com ela sobre o Nathan, Kate afirma que ele deve pagar pelo que fez com ela e que elas precisam impedi-lo de machucar mais algum. Heroes & Villains Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Kate's favorite Bible verse is highlighted on a post-it note inside the book; Matthew 11:28 - "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.". [note 1]. Max Caulfield is seemingly good friends with Kate and watches out for her during this rough time. She's so pretty AND sweet and friendly. When Max discovers that Chloe was drugged by Nathan Prescott, she assumes that the same thing happened to Kate due to her strange, uncharacteristic behavior in the viral video. Kate senta na mesa direito de Max na sala de aula do Jefferson. Eu entenderia se sim. Returning Kate's book, Max can look around her bedroom. He would not. Kate runs off crying, missing class. See? Ohhh. So here I've recorded most of the cutscenes from Life Is Strange 1 for people who want to make edits with it!- All my life is strange 1 scene packs are here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW9AC3he9xn0h_QBTzWjpcHKccT78NkJg - I also have made a bunch of life is strange 3 (true colors) packs, which can be found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW9AC3he9xn2VPGh0S3FJcEoFonXXGfhPThese packs were the easiest to record so far. In the folder, Max discovers photographs of Kate around of the town. One failure doesn't result in an automatic death for Kate, but the game is keeping track of too many failures. Aps o incidente, ela recorreu a enfermeira da escola que, preocupada com o estado emocional da Kate, pediu que o Diretor Wells ficasse de olho nela. Kate shrugged it off, assuring Max that she is better than Victoria Chase. Before class, Kate asks Mr. Jefferson if there is anything that he can do about her video. During class, Zachary walks in saying that something crazy is happening at the girls' dorm and everyone leaves, but everyone is shocked to see that its Kate whom is about to jump off of the girls' dorm. Ever. Valve Corporation. She reveals that she was not drunk, and after consuming only a small amount of wine, was seemingly drugged by Nathan who failed to take her to the hospital as promised. Kate's creative side also shines through her love of music; she plays the violin (usually every morning), and enjoys the works of Mozart.[2]. I was told when EP2 first came out. Chega! A scene pack is a group of cutscenes for editors to then download and use in their own edits! Este esprito animal tambm smbolo de fertilidade, excitao, sexualidade e sorte. Part 1 contains the introduction all the way to t. Kate will ask about the events that happened yesterday, then Max will tell her about how she helped her by erasing messages on her board or the video link and about how much of a friend she is to her and that she agrees that she was drugged. This is the first time I'm not pulling my hair out over recording scenes- I hope it gets this easy for the rest of my packs xD If you have any requests for tutorials or any questions don't be afraid to comment below!__________________________________________________________ Other Info - -- -- All my tutorials are here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW9AC3he9xn36bmrXrHtODGk0XqWJ_niG - -- -- All my scene packs are here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW9AC3he9xn3Glrsj2-oQsFMXKEe1NXjY__________________________________________________________ Support me! She comments that she gave most of the flowers away to other patients, believing they needed them more than her. After Kate is saved, she will continue to appear in Max's story during Life is Strange. The game really focuses on the consequences of your choices and causes the player to really think about the implications of, for example, reporting a violent person to the principal versus keeping quiet about it. But Nathan also suffered under Jefferson. Gnero Queria poder ajud-la, mas mal posso ajudar a mim mesma. 8 de outubro de 2013 (determinante)11 de outubro de 2013(presumido, determinante) Subscribe Kate Marsh (born September 12, 1995) is a student at Blackwell Academy and a devout Christian. She has been having trouble coping with the release of a viral video featuring her kissing strangers at a Vortex Club Party, and seems emotionally traumatized. 18 The following is what Max wrote about Kate in her journal: I don't want to slam everybody. Lastly as Max nears Kate, she tries to tell her that God has big plans for her, but Kate will say that he put her on the roof, Max can either recite a word from her bible, or convince her that she's not doing the right thing. There is a photograph of the three girls together in Kate's bedroom. There isn't a -real- video. Causa da Morte While in the shower, Max witnesses Victoria and Taylor harassing Kate, and writing the link to the viral video on the mirror. Seu pai mandou a ela um carto postal para lhe dar esperanas, enquanto sua tia mandou uma carta condenando as atitudes dela no vdeo. Kate will then bring up how no one cares about her, but Max tries to bring up a member of her family, only her father and sisters will convince her while her mother and brother will not. If she succeeds in saving Kate, she will jump down to Max and apologize for committing suicide, but Max states that she saved her from talking in class, later she is taken to the hospital and is lying in bed with 3 balloons saying "Get Well Soon" behind her, it is unknown who brought them. 21 Famous Life is Strange Quotes. Ela tem uma coelha de estimao preta e branca chamada Alice em seu quarto. Pessoas com este esprito animal so normalmente imprevisveis, espontneas, gentis, carinhosas, observadoras, atentas, inteligentes, perspicazes, bem sucedidas e bons conselheiros. A nurse provided Kate with pencils and paper, and Kate started drawing children's illustrations again; planning on creating a new book about bullying. Max comments that it's "way too emo", with the blinds closed, mirror covered, and depressing drawings on the floor. Ela mandar uma mensagem para Max com o nmero do quarto dele (111) quando Max visitar o dormitrio masculino mais tarde no mesmo episdio. It's most likely that Kate's spirit animal is the rabbit, which is the animal connected to her the most as she has a pet rabbit. So far the only victim killed were Rachel, and that wasn't Jefferson's fault since Nathan gave her an overdose. Porm, ao chegar no telhado, Max no consegue usar seus poderes devido a dor que eles lhe causam. Regardless of the outcome in Episode 2, Kate doesn't directly appear in this episode. Kate will then tell Max that she feels that she is in a nightmare that she can't wake up from unless she puts herself to sleep and that after she's gone people can post pictures of her body, Max will continue to talk her out of jumping by getting her to forget about the video, but it fails.

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kate marshall life is strange