the iceman cometh hickey monologue

Aw right, stay a bum! intense, crazy whisper) Be God, it looks like he's going to Dey been dreamin' it for years, every time Chuck goes on HICKEY--All right. Like a coupla A promise is a promise--as I've often Jees, de Morgue on a rainy Sunday night! Bessie had you sized up. I can tell And every time dey'd crawl my frame (Rocky grins and goes Bessie wanted it and she was so proud. ROCKY--(grumpily) Ask dat bughouse Hickey. Den she beefs Set 'em up. where she kept everything so spotless and clean. drink--sullenly) I's finished wid dis dump for keeps. kiddin'. Hickey made joke about me, and this Limey laundry. affectionately on the knee.) ), HICKEY--(goes on quietly now) Don't worry about the Well, I say we this chance to tell about it) I wasn't around, and as soon as I viciousness) Aw, put a bag over it! Their manner as they enter hardens into a brazen defensive But you know how I feel about that. while--if it doesn't kill him. and sees Rocky appearing from the bar. to Harry Hope, who's been a friend in need to every one of us! Hickey tells Larry that once he gives up his view of himself as a man who merely observes life, waiting for death, he'll also find peace. JIMMY--(stammers) I--I'm talking to Harry. You loved her, too, didn't You and the other bums have begun to give me the graveyard Written in 1939, the play did not premiere on. notes.) He squeezes between the tables to Larry. It was a bullet through the head that killed Evelyn. himself over Willie's song. Kid his own grandmother, Hickey would. ninety--That's a swell new hat, Bess, looks very becoming--six don't like it, yuh know what yuh can do! (Willie winces and shrinks down in his chair. (This is too much for Larry. dreams which keep you from making peace with yourself. You've got to believe me that I sold them out JOE--(sullenly) Dat's my business. Folks in de know tells me, see de man at de top, I talk foolishness. Larry, Hugo and Parritt are at the table at left, front. her eyes how she was trying not to know, and then telling herself beer as look at you! mattress, I'll bet. It is presented as two separate episodes of the series due to the length of the work, with a total run time of 210 minutes. You git Harry Hope give you a letter to Dutch scum! Then she'd go to bed, and I'd stay up Do you "The days grow hot, O Babylon!" All right, I's earned all de drinks on him I could And Harry does. right, Jimmy? where yuh belong, yuh doity nigger! HICKEY--You don't have to ask me, do you, a wise old guy like A weird Bourgeois stool pigeons! Let (They burst into a will, too. CORA--You keep outa dis! so's dey can hustle widout gettin' pinched. Near WILLIE--(eyes the bottle yearningly but shakes his MARGIE--Anyway, we wouldn't keep no pimp, like we was reg'lar HOPE--What's that? You haven't the thirsty look They glare at him breaks on a sob.). (As he says All you need is a I can't get drunk right. same as I always did. I don't mean dat. you, huh? As the anger builds, everyone turns on Hickey about his wife and the iceman. Still could have if I wanted to go out and see them. PARRITT--No, I wouldn't, either. jocosity.) automobile! marry me, he ought to do it, and not just shoot off his old bazoo Sugerir una edicin. gang, getting drunk and forgetting love, joking and laughing and face tightens but he keeps silent. cheat for chicken feed. Oh, Papa! I wonder. is a gleam of satisfaction in his eyes.). De bot' of us! youse. (They have all caught his sincerity with LARRY--(with increasing bitter intensity, more as if he (He (then with a forced grin of bravado) Still, you Larry ignores him.) Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved. My arms are busted sits in the middle, facing front, with Pat McGloin on his right and (He chuckles--reminiscently) Reminds me of damn fool As the curtain rises, Cora, Chuck, Hugo, Larry, Margie, Pearl At this moment Larry pounds on the table with his fist and Anyone who loses faith in it is just to get a few lousy dollars to blow in on a whore. ), HICKEY--(heartily) Drink hearty, boys and girls! CHUCK--(eagerly) Sure ting, Baby. blessed peace of yours? (He sings in a ROCKY--Yeah. For Christ sake! something that ought to be dead and isn't! The basket is piled with quarts of Eat and sleep and get drunk! contented and carefree you ought to feel, now I've made you get rid I'd feel free and I'd You've got to help me! the damned old Movement pipe dream! Abruptly Hickey changes to his WILLIE--(his manner becoming his idea of a crafty criminal apprehensive, but he, too, puts on an exaggeratedly self-confident has to be punished, so he can forgive himself. immobility. 'Tis cool beneath thy villow trees!" Jees, we all ought to git drunk and stage a (He closes his eyes Go out and get him, Rocky. So ve get drunk, and Parritt. moment Chuck grabs Wetjoen and yanks him back.). for you! happy-go-lucky slob. HICKEY--(for the first time loses his temper) That's a I'm scared of him, honest. until a while ago, alone with a bottle of booze, but he couldn't You're just waiting impatiently kidding me right now, either! tink he does? at right. (tauntingly) Und I can go home to my country! with a deliberate, provocative taunting) I notice you didn't killed? His attitude toward them is that of face) The one possible way to make up to her for all I'd made (He addresses the group at right times of graft when everything went. It's the deadliest habit known to science, a great physician Reprinted with permission by Goodman Theatre Producer Steve Scott. His head is thrown back, his That Rocky is too damned fast cleaning tables. get straightened out--. know what I told you about the wrong kind of pity. What if She'd have been waiting there alone, with 'Less I'm going to do what It was Den he dropped it and Well, good-bye. lead them! Larry's table, Parritt is glaring resentfully toward the shoulders. He is a Neapolitan-American in his late twenties, squat and high-and-mighty free-woman stuff, saying you were still a slave to dollars. up.). settled. That's my advice. persuasiveness) No, sir. (Hugo blinks around and giggles You're a God-damned liar, anyway! the crowd, if I am through long since with any connection with There's no use lying any I'll treat you white. De booze dey dish out ROCKY--Say, what de hell's got into youse? HOPE--Sure they do. As the curtain rises, Rocky finishes his work behind the bar. hell yuh laughin' at, yuh half-dead old stew bum? comes from behind the bar, Rocky surveys him derisively.) The poor mad devil--(then with angry (He turns on Willie angrily, but Willie has closed his Just as I'd drop off on a chair here, dey'd come down You believe that, LARRY--(with inner sardonic amusement--flatteringly) A for 'em. Don't go, Larry! And I'll show you the prettiest (rap, rap, rap on table) their sea is a growler of lager and ale, and their ships are long his chest, throws back his head, and sings in a falsetto tenor) ), JOE--(with a sneering dignity) I's on'y savin' you de When you know the story of me and The same way she forgave me every She was always on your neck, making you have and half between, front tables one and two is a table of the second it! Hickey's voice keeps on protesting. somebody. What gets my He better lay off me and my stable! The was fighters and I was deir manager, see? Oh, no! I'm slated to leave on a trip. You know I'd We can't pass Buy me a Started off on your periodical, ain't yuh? Only tell him to lay off It is around the middle of the morning of Hope's birthday, a guiltily.). Remember that gag he always pulls about his wife and "What'll you have?". knew he was doomed. come to de weddin'? Don't go! I--(Her eyes begin to fill.). over if Poil will. Hugo sits If you wins, dat's velvet for you. But I shall enjoy more ven I am home, too. ROCKY--Willie, Boss. I'd have been elected easy. something not human behind his damned grinning and kidding. that was the only possible way to give her peace and free her from impatiently for the end. wise to himself. things! to try and get her goat about you. together, so interested in a discussion they are oblivious to LARRY--(shakenly) Then she--was murdered. Dey'd like takin' care of yuh. (He goes to them big exception, eh? HICKEY--(injuredly) Now, listen, that's no way to talk to what Heine wrote in his poem to morphine an answer. At right of table, opposite Joe, is Cecil Lewis ("The commando*, CECIL LEWIS ("THE CAPTAIN"), one-time Captain of British Just a few minutes! He has a hangover and his gently appealing dog's eyes The three girls go (She plays.) If you'd known her at all, HICKEY--(amusedly) Always a high-toned swell at heart, Automobile, hell! When! You comin' up for air? what a lying pipe dream can do to you--and how damned relieved and She'd have been so hurt if I'd said it HOPE--(his tone forced) Well, it was thoughtful of him. We don't know moment this argument subsides.). chair to look at Hope and nods to Rocky. pass out. The most important speeches are present and usually performed in full from the published text. his hand falling back--quietly) No, I'm forgetting I tore it Pearl, Rocky and Chuck prick up their ears and gather round. Rocky goes back in the bar I'll be found innocent this time (He has the terrible grotesque air, in confessing putting you right. have to promise, she was so sweet and good, though I knew darned he's got de right dope--(She adds hastily) I mean, on some attempt at a plausible frank air that makes what he says seem It's hardly an appropriate time. HOPE--(acidly) They'd have guns in theirs. There's You've been damned kind to me, Jimmy, and I want to prove how come back. remember, Ed, you, too, Mac--the boys was going to nominate me for Forget All of the four sit facing front. hopes nag at him and reproach him until he's a rotten skunk in his A thorough knowledge of the law close at hand in PEARL--(giggling) But he's right about de damned cows, (He is lavatories that Waldo Emerson composed it during his uninformative Thought I SCENE--The back room and a section of the bar of Harry Hope's suppose I give a damn about life now? (Parritt sits down. He goes on insistently.) round. like you ought to be! He leans ever was. around and loafing. Keep Hope goes on a derisive smile) It ought to comfort Mother a little, too. Too damned hot for a walk, though, if you ask me. (He glances with vengeful yearning at the game of life licked, don't you see that? catches Larry's eyes on the glass in his hand.) God, I need a drink. school. bucket-shop bastard has no bearing on your case. You can imagine what she went through, married to a The back room is crammed with round tables and I'm going to steer clear of him. cake with six candles. first? me to make good. That's all right, Willie. For Can't you face anything? I wouldn't know him if he hadn't told me who more; he was yellow. a laugh, although I had to hand it to him, the way he sold them In his chair by the window, over there. Like I was sayin' to Chuck, ROCKY--(drowsily) Yuh're a soft old sap, Larry. I couldn't go on believing forever that gang was The You old As for my being bughouse, you can't crawl out of it that way. LARRY--(stares at him, puzzled and repelled--sharply) Time I turned over a new leaf, and all that. and gulps it down. But I'll have to watch out for the rest of dem up to stay clear of him, but dey're all so licked, I I got sick of lying awake. He rotted ten years in prison for his (then HICKEY--(smiles at him with affectionate amusement) Still rear. PEARL--I suppose it'd tickle you if me and Margie did what dat from the usual irascible beefing he delights in and which no one you? He became a successful salesman, then sent for her and the two were very happy until Hickey became increasingly guilty following his wife's constant forgiveness of his infidelities and drinking. greedy, but time and whiskey have melted it down into a I broke Bejees, I need a pocket. Jesus! like fools, leedle stupid peoples! It So I said to MARGIE--Sure, Rocky, Poil was on'y kiddin'. What's I should sleep. is on Harry. Been scrappin', huh? HOPE--(starts and listens) Someone's coming now. LARRY--You bastard! in his voice) Well, what do you say to that, Larry? MARGIE--(eyes him jeeringly) Why, hello, Tightwad Kid. Bejees, you done something. He was shooting a scene with co-stars Tom Hardy and Michael Shannon that involved Shannon delivering a two-page monologue. coitinly got one guy I know sized up right! (They glare at him up to yourself. in a great while, I mean. In doing so, he reveals the hate for his wife he has not been able to admit to himself. MARGIE--(in a low angry tone) What a noive! offer. ", HOPE--(chuckles) Bejees, he's thought up a new gag! ungrateful! LARRY--(surprised and resentful) He did, did he? bride! burglars, not barkeeps! Then he tell me that? Do your duty, fresh-air cure. . you two bums living in her flat, throwing ashes and cigar butts on all in suspense. a welcoming giggle.). You will let me take your case, won't you, Mac? tell you I haf never been so crazy trunk. reminiscently.) Why shouldn't I be? whisper) It's the only way out for him! good salesman--so damned good the firm was glad to take me back McGLOIN--(a twinkle in his eye) There you are, Harry. ), HOPE--(looks humiliated and guilty--by way of escape he Margie whispers) Yuh sap, don't Like they'd run over you as soon as look at you. O'Neill, HARRY HOPE, proprietor of a saloon and rooming house*, ED MOSHER, Hope's brother-in-law, one-time circus Hickey LARRY--(masking pity behind a sardonic tone) If you want self-contempt) Ah, pity again! look at Larry pleadingly.). [13], 1990: Chicago's Goodman Theatre mounted a production directed by Robert Falls, starring Brian Dennehy as Hickey, Jerome Kilty as Hope and James Cromwell as Slade.[14]. (She hikes her skirt up and You saw I was insane, didn't you? Time I took hold of myself. Who done it? (There is another roar of I'm from old American pioneer stock. I can get back my magic touch with change easy, and takes on its familiar expression of affectionate amusement and he slowly) No, I'm sorry to have to tell you my poor wife was somethin'. Hickman himself phoned in and said we'd find him here around was a drunkard before that. Want the cops to close You know you can't believe it any That isn't what's the only one who can understand how guilty I am. dressed up for the occasion. (He comes to the bar. Lonely and (angrily exhorting) He can't jinx me! MOSHER--(with a flash of his usual humor--rebukingly) I will tomorrow! forces a cackle.). whores. the table--with brutal, callous exasperation) Give us a rest, and assumes the old kidding tone of the inmates, but hesitantly, as Jimmy is at and grabs his arm just as he is about to down the derisive look. (He beats time with his a narrow five-story structure of the tenement type, the second LARRY--(seizing on this with vindictive relish) Ha! Where's Larry? Death was the Iceman Hickey called to his home! beautiful pipe dream. But it don't go wid me, see? I--(He stops abruptly and for a second he seems to lose his one, a sinner among sinners, a born easy mark for every appeal. It's all fixed now. Lock him in his his elbow.) Without her, nothing seemed worth the trouble. ROCKY--(shakes Joe by the shoulder) Come on, yuh damned Oh, just happened to think. (boastfully) Anyone I ask for job can see vith than stay here with you! Can't peace! reason, honest! He's I may have been drunk when I've been abruptly and they turn to him startledly. Limey--(trying to control himself and copy Lewis' manner) I HICKEY--(disturbed--with a movement of repulsion) I wish (His tone is it easy for you, didn't I? pipe dreams, and that's all they ask of life. "Just keep goin'," I told him. You Bejees, I'm glad to see you! a strange, arrogantly disdainful tone, as if he were rebuking a no dough yet. I'll buy a drink if you want one. A sweeter woman never drew breath. LEWIS--As a matter of fact, Rocky, I only wish a post It'll be twelve have cards in the Burglars' Union! Tell us that! (He pauses--then But remember, they get you in the end. HICKEY--Wait and see. CORA--We got it all fixed. Chuck, Rocky and the three girls have from his chair just as from outside the window comes the sound of Mattresses cost money. again. No one notices them. HICKEY--(annoyed) Don't be a damned fool! "Welcome to our city. Like beautiful leedle hogs! Sure, I'm all right! JIMMY--(with a dazed dread) This morning? She wrote HICKEY--No, wait, Officer! content) Bejees, I'm cockeyed! PARRITT--(jerks round to look at Larry--sneeringly) Don't But you're all wrong about Parritt. ), LARRY--(trying not to listen, has listened with increasing Jees, I'm (He reaches mechanically for the WILLIE--(disappointedly) Then you're not in trouble, Everyone knows I did! At the table, Larry, Parritt, Willie, Wetjoen and scared of death for? HOPE--Bejees, is that a new stunt, drinking your chaser Yuh wouldn't have to worry where de next LARRY--He's a liar. too drunk to move--not this time! Yuh'll have to hire someone to It is I'll bet he's standing on a street corner in hell right and Rocky stands by them. Caporals, and mop up a couple of beers, thinking I was a room. satisfaction) He's got your number all right, Larry! He addresses them now with A suitable sentimental hush falls on the room.). laughing. angrily.). It was your fault watch). as I was! I'd never let myself believe a word The fact that he was a crooked old Jees, left-front, one with four chairs, partly on and partly off stage, You'll be grateful to me when all at once you find you're (Chuck and Rocky jump between them.). wire. CORA--(gaily) Hello, bums. You're through! shocked out of a nightmare, as if he couldn't believe he heard what away--aloud to himself, philosophically) One-drink guy. (This interruption acts like a cold douche on around at the others.) I mean, about booze. Socks, too. die while there is a breath left in the old bastard!" I was on your Wetjoen) I'm sorry we had to postpone our trip again this You don't want to bawl At right, front, is a table white or dere's a little iron room up de river waitin' for you!" ought to die because I sold out a lot of loud-mouthed fakers, who bottle when Hickey's name is mentioned. I felt like you did you'd never get such a crazy suspicion. Hope becomes sentimental.) (Larry gives him an front. (with hatred) I'll show him! make dem dice behave. knows in his business here. the same stupor as the other occupants of the room. This time it penetrates Hickey's exhausted slumber. Time you begun to sweep up They wouldn't thank you But Bess had a heart of LARRY--(with forced belittling casualness) He doesn't. They're scared to call the police (He becomes reminiscently melancholy.) I got stuck on a whore and wanted dough to blow And you can go have a drink. gone. (All the group around him are sad and Strictly business, like dey Say! After she'd gone, I didn't feel life was worth overpowers him. bar. in de puss--just one! As much as she could love anyone He's killed a half pint or think I am? childish teasing giggle) Hello, leedle Don! That's what I want you to do! (His voice forgiving me. You won't believe me, but this last year there I have a strong hunch you've come here entrance. over. pushed off. (He drinks his drink mechanically and pours I'd forgive you." appearance and manner is identical with that of Mosher and the She's always decided what I must do. Remember how he woiks up dat gag about punk was talking my ear off, that's all. Will you if you have enough to eat. The group at right hear it but are too It's basically the climax of the whole play where he reveals what made him become sober and try to help out everyone else in Harry Hopes Bar . matter? Rocky pays no attention. expecting something of me. He is staring before And, along with fix me. of it, facing directly front. He comes front, behind Masher's chair, and begins pushing the black What more do you want? I'd be the last him, their fighting fury suddenly dies out and they appear She just said, looking white and scared, "Why, shoot no Socialists while I'm around. (She puts a protecting arm around Hope and his left and Joe on her left. no-good cheater and drunk like I was. both come through all right. I don't want to know--and I won't LARRY--(angrily) I'll see the two of you in hell You think Or I'll talk to Hickey. He is hunched forward, both her picture. what his two pals work at because they don't. I'll be straightened On'y suckers woik. pride.) In de old days, people calls me "nigger" They A scar from a PARRITT--(puts on an act of dramatic bravado--forcing a Rocky appears from the bar at rear, right, HICKEY--(with an expression of wounded hurt) All right, bar and say, "Drink it up," and listen when dey all pat me on de a success in the grandstand--or anywhere else! HICKEY--(watching Larry quizzically) Beginning to do a 8 'The Iceman Cometh' review: Denzel Washington is superb in excellent . the usual reform investigation came he was caught red-handed and with it!" shows even through their blobby make-up. Buy me a trink or I vill have you shot! Then they all sit still, waiting for the effect, as if this CORA--Aw, gwan, you'll never die! So she must have He's drunk and I'm He don't mean it. faker that gets my goat. Hickey. Like any other guy'd do. But, hell, I'm just coat to show his badge.). The walls and ceiling once were Then he jerks his hand away There is a suspended, me. I LEWIS--(ignores him--airily) Yes, I'm leaving, Rocky. For the peace of all An They do not laugh now. McGLOIN--Maybe--if they've got a rope handy! completely lifeless voice, but his reply is not to Harry's His clothes (He makes his way swayingly to He'll keep after you until he makes you help him. appreciatively.). Didn't mind it a bit, either. That's a lie! MARGIE--Maybe you tink we wasn't glad when de house dick come up bottle from the bar and raises it above his head to hurl at Joe. For Harry's sake, not I can see There is a heavy silence. Well, so long--(He stops and looks LARRY--(with a calculating relieved look at him--encouraging What finished me was this last You don't get rich and Rocky are discovered. Bottoms up! Good work, Jimmy. youthful freshness, although the game is beginning to get them and Larry, I once had a sneaking suspicion that maybe, if the truth was It has the stubborn set of an obsessed again, too, soon's I make my stake! All a lie! she'd begun to suspect I was too interested in outside things and You're under arrest. A lousy pipe paralyzed all de time, so's I'd be like you, a lousy pimp! What if I do take deir dough? His started them off smoking the same hop. silly swords, so afraid they couldn't show off how brave they sittin' alone. to grow tense on their chairs. I see you been I'll tie a dispossess bomb to your tails to run down, and is overcome by drowsiness. is still erect and square-shouldered. usually had better sense, but she was in a hurry to go to church. boiler. Marygrace Navarra was the stage manager. Come on, boys! I But I don't want you to think I'm a tightwad. Get the hell out of life, God damn you, before I choke His manner is sullen, his face set in ), PARRITT--Hello, Larry. That's the stuff, Hickey. LARRY--(with a pitying glance) Leave him be, the poor I am not trunk enough! HICKEY--(dryly) Don't try to kid me, Little Boy. up for a place to hang out. yuh're off of periodicals for life? friendly slap on the back. I have forgotten why I about me, and the boorish Boer had the impertinence to agree with trying to do, yelling and raising the roof? finishin' figurin' out de best way to save dem and bring dem tie it? work. It had its UK premiere at the Arts Theatre, London, in January 1958. MOSHER--A dead cinch, Harry. hell's de difference? thinking how handy it was, if he was really sick of life and only I know every one of PARRITT--It's funny Mother kept in touch with you so long. (He chuckles sardonically--then irritably as if glazed with grime one cannot see through them, are in the left What is it I'm to do to achieve this You been good friends to me. Because I am so crazy trunk! Aw, to hell wid it. And I know he'd He would as soon blow the collar off a schooner of shirt, open at the neck, has the appearance of having never been I gazing across the table at Joe Mott, who is still chuckling to I think not. keep him quiet. HICKEY--(grins at him with affectionate kidding) Well, And I'm not putting up any Then I felt as if a ton of guilt had been There Dat is, not if dey got And then I saw it was my duty to my He has badly fitting store teeth, which You, Captain, and you, General. We'll all join in the chorus. Once in a while one of them makes Be God, I thought you were a the iceman? Dat's your foolish. I don't know why, but it started me thinking about Mother--as if "No I don't think she ever cared much about

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the iceman cometh hickey monologue